Wednesday 5 September 2007

Taking things seriously

My dearly father who is in Sydney at the moment attending the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Australia 2007 Business Summit gave me a call last night to remind me that he did not get a call from me on Father's Day only to hear me say that 'I was thinking of him?'.....but really had been seperated from my sim card celebrating Riverfire for most of the weekend.

I don't watch television shows that much. However, when I do it usually involves me and a litre of greek mango gelati watching something hilarious to console and comfort my barren mind. This usually involves me watching Thank God You're Here or some piece of comical commentary such as The Chaser's War on Everything.

Whether or not you have greek mango gelati, I thought I'd entertain you with a skit from Chaser's War on Everything borrowed from which tests how tolerant people are when it comes to the security arrangement surrounding APEC.


  1. OMG Spowf, Im in the same boat. I didnt call or send my Dad an email. My excuse is, well its a piss poor excuse. Em inap, mi sem. Lets hope "you were in my thoughts and prayers" suffices for the moment...nope it doesn't. ain't guilt a bitch.

  2. It was a poor, lame, and sad excuse lainey. I was absolutely in a mess. A few friends and I checked out of the hotel we stayed at to watch the fireworks the next morning only to realise that i had been seperated with the only thing that helps me maintain my sanity. My temporary displacement/seperation with this vital life utility was the cause of my failure to communicate the the Boss. I still could've easily walked down the road to the nearest payphone, picked up the handset, and dialled the magic numbers to let Father know I was thinking of him. Tru tru yah, i slept for most of Sunday. Only to wake up, head down to the Regatta and then later, the Normanby for some extended celebrations. The prodigal daughter, I If only our parents could 'forget' that they had children - where the fck would we all be. Busking? I hope not. SHAME SHAME SHAME!


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